The software EMS is an online-platform that is meant to manage Pay Particulars and Income Tax Assessment of Employees and Pensioners – from
View and Downloading of Pay Bill Register (PBR), Income Tax Assessment Form Submission (pre filled based on pay particulars provided by Finance Section) and Attaching relevant proof document, Corrections in IT Assessment by IT Section - PU, Downloading for Computation Sheet, Form 16 - Part A & B.
The software works on the principle of differential access and need-to-know basis.
Faculty can use their SAMS credentials.
Employees can use their Employee code as username and PAN Number as password (as one time measure).
Pensioners can use Pensioner ID / Employee Code as username and PAN Number as password (as one time measure).
Pensioners and Employees are advised to update set up a personal password for security reason since PAN number as a password option will be removed at anytime.
Those who have gmail / email IDs registered with SAMS system can use Sign in with Google option.
Important Instruction !!!
Any queries / feedback email related to PUSAMS / PURAMS / etc. may be sent to and not to
Password: If password does not match, please contact office to generate temporary password for your login.
First Year Admitted Students(2023-24): User id will be application number eg: PNDUCTXXXX
Password: Date of Birth Format: DD/MM/YYYY